Gallery - Studio Pottery

Ursula Scheid (DE) - bowl with broad diagonal line decoration

Ursula Scheid (DE), bowl, thrown on the wheel,...
Studio Pottery

€ 695

Gerd Hiort Petersen (DK) - lidded box with incised decoration

Gerd Hiort Petersen (DK), lidded box, handthrown,...
Studio Pottery

€ 595

Johan van Loon (NL) - high oval vase shape with sweeping incisions

Johan van Loon (NL), high oval vase shape with sweeping...
Studio Pottery

€ 395

Kristin Andreassen (NO/SWE) - large vessel in porcelain with a vivid skin

Kristin Andreassen (NO/SWE), very large vessel,...
Studio Pottery

€ 395

Beate Andersen (DK) - cylindrical vase with black engobe line decoration

Beate Andersen (DK), cylindrical vase, thinly hand-...
Studio Pottery

€ 495

Marijke van Vlaardingen (NL) - fine lidded pot with sinterengobe scratch drawing

Marijke van Vlaardingen (NL), fine lidded pot, turned by...
Studio Pottery

€ 445

Philippe Dubuc (FR) - very large flat lidded box with fine glaze

Philippe Dubuc (FR), very large flat lidded box with...
Studio Pottery

€ 895

Rob Muylaert (NL) - lidded pot in Japanese style with paper rope

Rob Muylaert (NL), lidded pot in Japanese style,...
Studio Pottery

€ 345

Marie Laure Guerrier (FR) - handthrown lidded box with soft-touch ivory glaze

Marie Laure Guerrier (FR), a handthrown lidded box, nice...
Studio Pottery

€ 295

Hervé Rousseau (FR) - deformed vase with collar in nice brown tones

Hervé Rousseau (FR), handthrown vase with clearly...
Studio Pottery

€ 395
